Everyday Accomplishments {Shoot 52! :: Week 3}

This week was quite busy, but not with photo-worthy events. Although the picture I chose for this week is not a great picture, it definitely defined the week.

In Wisconsin, winter means cold and snow. This week, my husband Paul was helping out with an event at school, which meant he was at work until 8 or 9 each night. Monday night, we got a good 5-6 inches of snow...and, of course, when Paul tried to clear it the next morning, the snowblower wouldn't work! Pulling into the driveway Tuesday evening, I got stuck, so I knew I was just going to have to deal with it & shovel the whole (not small) driveway by hand. Ugh!


I got it done though! It was one of those things that shouldn't be a big deal, but it sure was exciting! (once I was done) Sometimes you have to celebrate the everyday accomplishments.

What do you do every day (or every once in a while) that makes you proud? I'd love to hear your stories - in words or pictures!

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