Whew, we made it! I hope all of you have had a wonderful 2014 & are looking forward to an even better 2015! I still have a couple of blogs to post - hopefully before the end of the year - but I'm feeling good about being mostly caught up. Resolutions? I don't know about you, but I'm going to pick small things that will (hopefully) be easy changes. :)
The week after Thanksgiving, we got our tree at our favorite place -
Santa's Evergreens!
All of my coworkers like coffee, so I decided to be ambitious and taught myself to crochet using
Frayed Knot's 15-Minute Coffee Sleeve. I think they turned out well (even though they took way longer than 15 minutes for me)! Now to make a couple for myself. :)
Just for fun - my students decorated my door at school.
Our Christmas celebrations were a little spread out this year (one the Saturday before & one on Christmas) so these count for two weeks. ;)
Our niece & nephew playing with their gifts... (Cyclops Pony with Adley!)
(Marble Run with Noah)
And our nephew on the other side, Kalyn, getting ready for a sleepover
All in all, I'm enjoying my winter break with a book, coffee, and Oliver on my lap. :)
I hope you're enjoying your holiday season as well! I'd say see you next year, but hopefully I'll "see" you before then! (and it's kinda cheesy...my students told me so...)