Happy Holidays! {Shoot 52::Weeks 47-52}

Whew, we made it!  I hope all of you have had a wonderful 2014 & are looking forward to an even better 2015!  I still have a couple of blogs to post - hopefully before the end of the year - but I'm feeling good about being mostly caught up.  Resolutions?  I don't know about you, but I'm going to pick small things that will (hopefully) be easy changes.  :)

The week after Thanksgiving, we got our tree at our favorite place - Santa's Evergreens!
Santa's Evergreens
Cutting down the tree

All of my coworkers like coffee, so I decided to be ambitious and taught myself to crochet using Frayed Knot's 15-Minute Coffee Sleeve.  I think they turned out well (even though they took way longer than 15 minutes for me)!  Now to make a couple for myself.  :)

Coffee Sleeve
All Gifts

Just for fun - my students decorated my door at school.

School Door

Our Christmas celebrations were a little spread out this year (one the Saturday before & one on Christmas) so these count for two weeks. ;)

Our niece & nephew playing with their gifts... (Cyclops Pony with Adley!)

Ebben Christmas Adley

(Marble Run with Noah)

Ebben Christmas Noah

And our nephew on the other side, Kalyn, getting ready for a sleepover

Krasin Christmas Kalyn

All in all, I'm enjoying my winter break with a book, coffee, and Oliver on my lap. :)

Oliver resting

I hope you're enjoying your holiday season as well!  I'd say see you next year, but hopefully I'll "see" you before then! (and it's kinda cheesy...my students told me so...)

Happy Holidays!

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