...I've barely talked to anyone that doesn't work for St. Paul Public Schools since August. (sorry friends!)
...I fall asleep between 8:00 and 10:00 every night.
...I wear a jacket to work 4 out of 5 days in a week.
...The only thing I seem to have to talk about is work.
...The air is cool and crisp and the leaves start to change colors.
...Sundays are reserved for football. And Monday nights. And sometimes Saturday. Oh, and sometimes Thursday.
...My camera starts to spend more time in the bag.

Yes, I think summer has officially ended for me! Fortunately, going back to work hasn't been too bad. I spent a lot of time getting stuff ready for my room & I've finally started seeing students. I'm excited to take some engagement portraits for a friend as well as for my brother!! Things are good, and I absolutely LOVE fall. I just wish fall didn't mean I have to work all the time! :c)
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