GB trip: Sunday (Part 2 of 3)

After our long day of driving and excitement on Saturday, we took Sunday a little bit easier. At Paul's aunt & uncle's house, Sunday is "pancake day." We got up a little late and spent the morning with Paul's uncle and their son, eating pancakes and talking. Then, Paul went golfing with his aunt and uncle while I went to the mall and spent a bunch of time at Barnes & Noble. Pretty soon after they got back, we had to leave to visit Nick at his new residential treatment place. Just like Paul's aunt & uncle said, it took about 10 minutes to get there.

Nick had tons of stuff planned for us! Paul brought a couple of footballs at Nick's request, and they spent the first 45 minutes or so throwing them around. Paul jammed Nick's finger & Nick went through his usual protests ("Ow, it hurts" "It bent back really far" "I think the cartilage is building up"), but after a little bit of complaining - abbreviated for our benefit - they kept tossing the ball around. Paul decided they needed a break so they came and sat in the shade with me. That's when I looked at Nick's finger & saw that it was really swollen. We decided to get some ice. Nick wanted to take the ice back outside, but we convinced him to sit inside and ice his finger for about 15 minutes. Then he insisted on going back outside to play volleyball. We had a great time exercising for two hours with Nick. :c)

Tired, we went "home" to a delicious supper of homemade fettuccine alfredo and garlic bread. YUM! Oh, and watched the Olympics.

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