Amelia is ONE!! Last time I saw Amelia, she was an itty bitty newborn. Can she really be one already?
Amelia (and her mom, Jess & dad, Luke) came to my in-house studio to do some portraits - we planned to head outside too, but it was far too cold...even for January in Wisconsin. Amelia wasn't feeling 100%, but we got lots of great pictures. It may have taken a bit (okay, a lot) of parental silliness, but it worked!
How adorable is she?!?
Walkin' with Mom!
This is an accurate representation of the session - Jess & Luke doing their best to get smiles & a straight-faced Amelia. :)
And their aftermath.
Just TRY to look at the pic on the right & keep a straight face!
What a little model. :)
Love the tutu!
See more - coming soon!