First, my brother-in-law & his wife had a baby, their third boy. He was born on March 18. He's adorable & I finally got Paul over to see him! I took some pictures on the 18th... here's one just for fun, but there are more on my site.

Second (and less importantly), I got a new camera. It's the Nikon D200. Since I sold my D50 to my uncle & didn't want to leave him without any lenses, I also got new lenses. I still wasn't able to spend real $ and get good lenses (since I needed a camera body too!), but I'm really happy with what I got. The one I am most impressed with is the Nikon 18-70 that is the kit lens with the D70, I think. It's so much nicer than the 18-55 that came with the D50. You can't really tell with this photo, but I was absolutely amazed with how sharp Oliver's eye is!
Well, thanks for reading & hopefully it won't take so long for me to post next time. I am (sadly) off to bed. Last day of spring break y'know, and I've got to rest up for work tomorrow!